Eastern Screech Owls

by Crystal Cockman October 4, 2016 If you’re much of a birder and you ever use playbacks to try and attract a bird, you know that there’s one sure way to get a variety of birds to come out – play the song of an eastern screech owl. Songbirds are one of their favorite...

Spotted Jewelweed

by Crystal Cockman September 27, 2016 One interesting and beautiful plant you may have commonly seen before along a river or creek, sometimes in great number, is spotted jewelweed (Impatiens capensis). You may be more familiar with another of it’s names –...

Wind in the Willows

by Crystal Cockman September 7, 2016 There is much myth and legend around willow trees, as well as several interesting facts. Weeping willows are graceful in appearance, with long narrow leaves and limbs that droop from the tree trunk. They are sometimes associated...