Crested Fringed Orchid

Crested Fringed Orchid

by Crystal Cockman 8/17/2017 I recently made a trip to a friend’s property in Montgomery County looking to find an orchid he had spotted a few years ago. We thought the orchid might be a yellow fringeless orchid, which I haven’t had the pleasure of seeing yet in the...


by Crystal Cockman 8/9/2017 On a trip to Washington, DC a few years ago, there was an area of the museum featuring the winners of a photography contest – Nature’s Best Photography Windland Smith Rice International Awards. There were many fantastic pictures including a...

Here’s to the Unsung Heros

by Taylor Minich August 2, 2017 Towards the end of The Iliad, Homer’s classic epic – a pillar upon which Greek tragedy rests – the protagonist, Achilles, is presented with a dilemma. His is not a problem specific to himself or even the ancient world in which his story...


by Ruth Ann Grissom 7/26/2017 Since early May, a distinctive eastern towhee has frequented my backyard in Charlotte. The typical song of this common species can be translated as “Drink your teeea!” This empathic burst of notes ends with a trill. Sometimes the song is...

Trees with exfoliating bark

by Crystal Cockman July 20, 2017 A friend of mine sent me a picture of the beautiful river birch she has on her property near Troy a while back. Another friend is proud of her sycamore tree in her front yard, which sold her on the house where she lives currently. This...