Cranberry Bogs

by Crystal Cockman January 3, 2018 Growing up, around Thanksgiving each year we would break out an old-timey sausage grinder, one of those with the hand crank, and make cranberry salad. We’d gingerly assemble the pieces of the machinery together, as we had to remember...

The Magnificent Ramshorn

by Crystal Cockman December 27, 2017 You may remember me writing about taking a trip on the Black River near Wilmington to see some ancient bald cypress. Andy Wood, Director of the Coastal Plain Conservation Group (CPCG), led this trip. CPCG is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit...

Let it Snow

by Crystal Cockman December 26, 2017 We had our first snow of the year on Friday December 8th. We’ve had an unseasonably warm fall so far, and I was thankfully able to get a lot of my fieldwork done before it turned cold. We’ve also had a pretty dry fall, so rain...