The LandTrust for Central North Carolina is proud to announce the official transfer of a unique five-acre property to Morrow Mountain State Park on August 11, 2016. The transfer will provide for the perpetual protection of a unique and nationally significant hillside seepage bog. This globally rare habitat is home to a variety of frogs, toads, and salamanders.


“The LandTrust is thrilled to transfer this small but important property to Morrow Mountain State Park,” says Executive Director, Travis Morehead. “The unique natural area, wildlife habitat, and scenic views from atop this property are special features that merit permanent protection.”

Other wildlife such as deer and turkey utilize the mature hardwood forest habitat found on the property. In addition, this property is home to a rare plant, the crested coralroot, and the large rocks and boulders are habitat for timber rattlesnake, a state endangered species. The property will also add to the recreation, research, and education opportunities at Morrow Mountain State Park.

“We first began working to save this special piece of property more than eight years ago,” says Land Protection Director Crystal Cockman. “It is very rewarding to see this naturally significant property finally become a part of Morrow Mountain State Park.”

The property is located in the northeastern portion of Stanly County sharing two of its three boundaries with Morrow hike pictureMountain State Park. It is located on Morrow Mountain Drive, is visible from the NC Scenic Byway of Valley Drive, and is relatively close to the municipality of Albemarle.

“This five acres on Biles Mountain is within a registered Significant Natural Heritage Area and is considered nationally significant due to its natural communities, rare plant and animal populations, and because its geologic features are among the highest quality in the nation,” states Park Superintendent of Morrow Mountain State Park, Jeff Davidson. “Morrow Mountain State Park is fortunate to have such great support from The LandTrust for Central NC, the Friends of Morrow Mountain, and many others in the local community who stepped up and got involved to help purchase and transfer this land to the park to ensure it is now permanently protected.”

In addition to the State Parks and Recreation Trust Fund, The Cannon Foundation and the Stanly County Convention and Visitor’s Bureau also contributed financially to the transfer of this property to the park. The Friends of Morrow Mountain State Park were supportive of this transfer as well. “It is very important to protect and expand the boundaries of Morrow Mountain State Park so that the long range viewshed from atop Morrow Mountain remains natural and scenic,” says John Young of Friends of Morrow Mountain State Park. “It is also important to protect the unique seep on the new 5 acre tract. Thanks to The LandTrust and everyone who made this addition possible.”

wetlands and rocks“This property transfer echoes the same community support that established Morrow Mountain as North Carolina’s third state park in 1935 following an initial 1,800 acres of land donations made by local citizens, land protection groups, and community supporters,” reflects Davidson. “This new property will bring the park to 4,747 acres, with the majority of the land being donated throughout the park’s 81 year history.”

Speight Property - Press Release Map